Annual Dues Information

Please note there is a one-time $25.00 non-refundable application fee.


AAHKS Membership Dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution but may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. To the extent that AAHKS engages in lobbying, twelve percent (12%) of dues are not deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. The Journal of Arthroplasty subscription price for one (1) year is included in your membership dues.

"Emeritus" status is available for surgeons who are retired and no longer in practice. Contact to request this status.

Physician Membership Categories

Please select a category below. Completion of an application for AAHKS membership indicates your permission for the Association to investigate your credentials, including but not limited to contacting any medical society, state licensing board or the hospital where you have privileges. Your application is not considered complete until you meet all submission requirements. Membership is confirmed after a Board of Directors vote and notification from the Membership Department. Your email address will be added to the AAHKS mailing list from which you will receive the weekly AAHKS News and other AAHKS correspondence with the opportunity to unsubscribe.

If you are eligible to change your Member Type from Candidate to Fellow or from Arthroplasty Surgeon in Training to Candidate, do NOT re-join here. Instead, submit your status change request online here.

Fellow members are orthopaedic surgeons who are board certified by ABOS, AOBOS, or RCPSC; and perform at least 50 THR/TKR or osteotomies annually.

Annual Dues $600.00 (Prorated for first year)

Candidate members are board eligible in orthopaedic surgery.

Annual Dues $300.00 (Prorated for first year)

AIT members are resident members of AAOS, RCPSC or AOBOS or currently in a total joint fellowship program.

 Annual Dues $95

International members are surgeons licensed and currently practicing outside the United States or Canada who have an interest in the advancement of orthopaedic knowledge of the hip and/or knee joint in health and/or arthritic disorders.

Annual Dues $100.00

Associate members are orthopaedic surgeon who do not qualify for Fellow status and have an interest in the advancement of orthopaedic knowledge of the hip and knee joint in health and/or arthritic disorders; or a physician (MD, DO) who has a clinical role in treating patients undergoing hip and/or knee arthroplasty.

Annual Dues $500 (Prorated first year)

Fellow members who are active in the US armed services receive a discounted dues rate.

Annual Dues $200.00 (prorated for first year)

Candidate members who are active in the US armed services receive a discounted dues rate.

Annual Dues $100.00 (prorated for first year)

AIT members who are active in the US armed services. 

Annual Dues: $95 

Non-Physician Membership Categories

Clinical Affiliate members are allied health professional/orthopaedic team members with hip and knee surgeons (e.g., PA, PA-C, NP, RN or APRN) and have an interest in advancing orthopaedic knowledge of the hip and knee joint in health and/or arthritic disorders.

Annual Dues: $250 (Prorated for first year)

Non-clinical Affiliate members do not qualify for Fellow or Associate membership, but are non-surgeon professionals involved with hip and knee surgeons (e.g. researcher, engineer, scientist, hospital administrator or practice manager). They are notable for contributions in advancement of knowledge of hip and knee joints in health and disease or shall have demonstrated long-standing special interest or service to AAHKS and have an interest in the advancement of orthopaedic knowledge of the hip and knee joint in health and/or arthritic disorders. Note: membership is not open to industry representatives or sales personnel.

Annual Dues: $500 (Prorated for first year)

Clinical Affiliate members who are active in the US armed services receive a discounted dues rate.

Annual Dues: $125 (Prorated for first year)